2022 Is All About Us:
We all want change, We all want change for ourselves, our children, our community, for generations to come. We all want equal rights, and equal protection under the law. We all want the ability to work and not just provide for our family, but work where wealth is created and legacies are left when we leave this earth. We all want to be inspired and motivated. We all want to be counted. We all want to be heard loudly and clearly. All these wants come with a NEED. A need for change. An agent for change if you will. This agent of change will have the needs and will of the people at the forefront. What the people need, and what the people are saying. This way nothing is lost in translation. Everyone is held accountable for change. Really it is up to us to create and bring about change for a better tomorrow.
The longer we sit back and continue to let things work in total opposition of what we stand for, things will not change! But when we stand up and be heard things happen and positive change occurs. When we Stand up, the chains that help us down fall off.
There is person in our midst that understands this and hear us loud and clear and truly has the entire County’s best interest at heart.
We need fair and just representation, not just a person of conformity. Someone who is going to bring us to the next level and beyond. Yes, we heard it all before, we vote for change, and yet things remain the same and gets even worse. Leaving out the most crucial point- Our Voice. We get drowned out with stoic rhetoric and empty promises. What makes this election in Hoke County any different? I am glad you asked. The answer is simple: Dr. Lent C. Carr. Proven leader for the people of Hoke County, A man of God, and a family man. His integrity is beyond reproach. A man who will not comprise to appease others, but a person who passionately gets right to the matters that matter the most –The people of Hoke County.
Your vote not only counts; but it matters, as we have seen in past elections- when we are fed up and tired of what is going on, we all come out in record numbers and take a stand and vote. Now that time has come again. Time to stand and vote for Dr. Lent C. Carr for Hoke County Commissioner, 2022. If you need Transparency, Accountability, Accessibility, and Integrity and Change, a vote for Dr. Carr is a vote for Hoke County. What matters to us, matters to Dr. Carr.
Rock the Vote, it is your constitutional right. Do not sit down, get up on your feet and stand boldly with a proven leader of the people- Dr. Lent C. Carr. He walks the walk and talks the talk. In these trying times WE NEED someone to advocate for us on the issues that have plagued our community for so long. WE NEED someone to reach beyond the party lines and receive the very things that was stolen from us and get it back; jobs, inclusiveness, home ownership, infrastructure, transparency.
Dr. Lent C. Carr is a person of integrity tried and true.
Do you want innovation, job creation, transparency in governance?
Do you want improved infrastructure, homeownership, the ability to accumulate wealth for generations to come, improved schools for our children?
Then you already know what NEEDS to happen. Vote Early; Vote on Election Day
There are issues facing us today that have been sweep under rug, ignored, and simply turned around to benefit the wrong side of the things. But no more. 2022 is the year for change and growth in Hoke County. No more lies, no more being duped. Dr. Lent C. Carr is our agent for change.
Go Vote
This is a awesome message it tells all about Dr. Lent Carr II, he is definitely for the people of Hoke county and you are exactly right Mrs. Merri we definitely need a strong leader like Lent Carr to help us because as a county we have been lost in the sauce with no right direction.
Thank you Mrs. Merri, for your most encouraging words (in action) and support of my Candidacy for Hoke County’s next Commissioner! We are so very proud of our enthusiastic Grassroots Constituents who has fueled and steadfastly March from home to home; business to business and all across every quadrant of Hoke County carrying the same message “We The People for ALL Inclusive Change” through Your Voices residing within every fiber of my being— Lent C. Carr, II, for Hoke County Commissioner 2022!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
May God Bless you Mrs. Merri, May God Bless Hoke County NC, and May God Bless These United States of America!!!
Lent C. Carr, II
www.lentcarr. Com